Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have Pulmomary what......?

......Pulmonary Embolism.  What is Pulmonary Embolism you may ask?  Well, I will tell you because I learned more about it than I would  ever care to know.  A few weeks ago at 6 weeks postpartum, I started feeling well enough to start exercising.  It felt so great to get out and start walking.  Because I haven't gotten a double jogger yet, I put Mia in the stroller and strapped Merek into the Baby Bjourn.  We headed to the boardwalk where we do our normal route and away we went.  I clocked that we walked about 2 1/2 miles and it felt like a perfect amount of mileage to start out.  The next day, I wasn't too sore and so I felt like hitting the pavement again.  As I was finishing up my walk, I started to have a little pain in my shoulders but figured it was just a strain from carrying Merek (and the fact that I am so out of shape).  The next morning, I started to feel it more in my chest and decided that it would be best to hold off on walking and so I took a couple days off.  Over the next few days the pain became more intense instead of getting better. A friend of mine mentioned how she had dislocated a rib once and the symptoms sounded the same.  Because it was the weekend, I decided to wait until Monday and go in and see the chiropractor to see if indeed that is what it was.  On Sunday night the pain became so intense that I was having a hard time breathing.  I was only able to take shallow breaths without feeling excruciating pain.  It was making me really nervous and so I decided to get online and type in the symptoms I was having to see what came up.  The one thing that caught my eye was blood clots.  Just being a few weeks out from having a c-section, it could've been very possible.  So, I waited until 6:00 am and called my mom because I had remembered my grandma had experienced blood clots in her lungs a few years ago and I wanted to see what symptoms she had. After telling my mom my symptoms, she told me to immediately go to the ER.  I'm so glad I did because a chest x-ray and a CT scan confirmed that I had 2 clots: 1 in each of my lungs.  I was shocked.  Blood clots?  I am too young to be having blood clots. 

After the confirmation, I was admitted to the hospital where I stayed for 4 days.  The doctor was unsure of the cause of the clots.  Because my grandma has had them, they thought it could be a hereditary.  Or, the likelihood of them forming  from after having the c-section was very high.  A panel of blood work was done to determine the cause.  I was immediately put on Heparin injections as well as Coumadin to start thinning my blood.  My sweet mom jetted down here from Utah so she could be with Mia and Merek during the day while Bryan was at work. 

I was finally released from the hospital last Thursday and am already feeling so much better.  Before I was discharged, the doctor had mentioned to me how lucky I was I came in when I did because there was a good chance they could've killed me had they been untreated.

During the time I spent in the hospital, I had a lot of time to think and to reflect on my life.  I am so grateful for good health and also for modern medicine.....things I will never take for granted as long as I live.

So for now, I am on daily Coumadin and will most likely be on it for the next year.  The majority of results from the blood work came back negative, but I'm still waiting to hear back on 2 more tests (one that will tell if I have Lupus and one that will determine if I have Factor V Leiden). 

Because of this little incident, we were unable to make it to Utah for Apple Fest.  I was so disappointed to not be able to be there for it this year.  But, it ended up being a big success and from what I heard, it was a lot of fun too.  I'm hoping to get some pictures and post them soon.


Ruth H. said...

That is really, really scary! Spending four days in the hospital when you have a newborn and a preschooler is no fun, but it sounds like it saved your life. What a scary experience! My 7 year old daughter takes coumadin, so I know it can be tricky to regulate. It seems like everything under the sun affects the way it metabolizes. Good luck!

Candace said...

So grateful you are ok!!! Take care!

Nicole said...

Holy Cow Lady! You have to be kidding me. So glad you went into the hospital. I bet that was awful being away from the baby. Lucky you have a good mama who helped you out. I hope everything works out. Keep us updated. Sorry you didn't make it to apple fest. One of these years we are going to make it there. It sounds like a good time. Good luck Marcae.

Alicia Larsen Dabney said...

I am so glad you're okay, Marcae! I actually have Factor V Leiden and had to have blood thinners throughout my pregnancy as well as after my c-section. Hopefully your test results will tell you enough that you can prevent any repeat events like this!

Maquel said...

I'm so glad that you're okay! Blood clots run in my family. Both my mom and my brother (the one who wins marathons) have had pulmonary embolisms. My brother was 30 when he got his. I've never had one, but I'm factor V and I take a baby asprin everyday.

The Ivie's said...

I wondered why you weren't at Apple I know! I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. I wish you all the best and will pray for your continued health and strength. Apple Fest was once again, a lot of fun. The kids and I had a blast. We look forward to Apple Fest each and every year, and can’t wait to attend next year’s festivities. My little Tyler tells everyone about the fun we had at Apple Fest and continues to relive the “air balloon" ride. Oh, and by the way…Congratulations on the birth of your little man. Merek is so dang cute! You have a darling little family!! Hugs from Richfield!!!

Sarah and Jeremy said...

oh my goodness. I'm so glad you are ok and went into the ER. Ah that is so scary. Again I'm so glad you are doing better. Please let us know if we can help with anything. If you do come to Utah please let us know we always have an open bed for you guys. xoxox Sarah

SchaeferFamily said...

Marcae that is scary and too many hospital visits for you this year! Glad you are doing better. Will send prayers your way that you don't have anymore issues. Glad your mom could come and help you out. No one better than mom to take care of you and your kids. Sorry you had to miss Apple Fest I know how much it means to you.

Teresa said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. What a scary time for you and your family. Sorry you missed Apple Fest. Take care.

The Dumas Family said...

I am so glad you're feeling better and are on the mend. Keep me posted on the test results, please. You and your family are always in our prayers. Love you!

Garcia's said...

Dang! That is serious stuff! Wow!So glad things turned out well and so happy that you had a feeling it could be a clot...Even in the hospital PE can be easily missed. Praying for you!

Melissa said...

That is so scary. I'm glad you are doing well!

Abbie said...

I'm so glad you are doing ok. Blood clots are scary! I'm just waiting for the day that I get them, they run in my family like crazy (although, I hope I never do). Take it easy Marcae!

Unknown said...

Marace, that is the scariest thing EVER! I am SO glad you went to the ER and have been able to take care of the situation. We missed you so much at Applefest, but were happy you were in good hands :). Check out my blog for some pics of my family's adventures while in Fillmore:). We sure love ya and are glad you are going to be okay.

Valerie said...

Wow, scary! Glad you're okay and I hope there aren't any other complications or problems. No more hospital trips for you hopefully!