Sunday, February 14, 2010

Private......Just Kidding!

So, I finally had some time tonight to sit down and {attempt}to make my blog private. I got all the contacts input just to find out that blogger only allows 100 readers.....really? I was so overwhelmed with the response of those requesting to be added to my blog list. There's no way I was going to go through and pick and choose who those 100 readers would be. So.....I guess I'm not going to go private. That's all!


Anonymous said...

SO glad you are not going private, I read your blog and feel like I know your adorable family, I have been very uplifted and touched by your posts, also I have a son serving a mission in San Diego so it is fun to hear about your adventure there. SO I will continue to peek in

Anonymous said...

I also am so glad you aren't going private. I understand that you probably need some privacy, but I love your stories and how you continue little Kate's legacy. I felt it was weird to ask to be invited to your blog as I don't know you personally, I just know of you from friends and neighbors of yours. But thank you for the continued posts. I will also continue to peek in. :)You are an awesome woman and I hope to be half of what you are when I'm a mommy.

Advice from Ordinary People Flourishing Together said...

I'm glad that I still get to read your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I peek in to check your blog also every now and then and I do not know you either, but like these other women say, I feel like I do. I do not blog or follow anyones blog, but my friend has a friend who tagged her in a blog about a yr and half ago and that's when I accidently came upon yours. I have checked back every few months to see what is new and I LOVE reading about how much you love being a Mom and keeping Kate's spirit alive in your heart! You must be one amazing person to have this many people touched by your blog. I would have been sad if I wasn't able to read it anymore. Thanks for not going private! I am obviously a few months late, but I am a loyal follower of your blog. :-)